Same-Sex Marriage or Straight Marriage
What’s the Difference?
Tuesday will be a fateful day for the U.S. It will be the day of a decisive issue of same-sex marriage. They will also decide if same-sex marriage is constitutional or unconstitutional. An oral argument and an eventful ruling won’t happen until next year. I question you; what’s the difference?
They say we all have “equal rights”, but in all reality we don’t. if we all had equal rights; gays and lesbians would be able to marry. I will also say we came to America for our belief in Christianity. It says in Leviticus 18:22- it is unclean to lie with another man. As much as I say I agree with same-sex marriage; you can’t change the Bible. Proposition 8 is also before the Supreme Court.
I may also say that gay and lesbian marriages will send this country in an uproar. Many people believe that homosexuality is the work of Satan. I can see where it can cause some uproar in this nation. It will be a complicated choice. I have a feeling riots will start and deaths will occur. In 1996, California passed a law called DOMA- which stands for Defense of Marriage Act. If the Supreme Court approves of same-sex marriage California’s DOMA law goes out the window. The Supreme Court will also decide if they will take up the case up. It did not go through the lower judicial courts. The reason why that is Edith Windsor is not getting her estate. Edith had to pay $363,000 in taxes. She was married to her wife, who passed away a few years ago in another state.
There are only six states in the U.S. that accept same-sex marriage. They are: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, and New York. Washington D.C. also allows same-sex marriage. It will be on the November ballot. Some states have laws allowing same-sex marriage. They are: New Jersey, Illinois, Delaware, Rhode Island, and Hawaii. The rest of the states made same-sex marriage unconstitutional in their own state constitution. California is the only state that approved then revoked same-sex marriage. Justices have the authority to see if same-sex marriages. The justices will either accept the case or throw it out the window.
Same-sex marriage is a big deal. It is not to be taken lightly. I will ask again of same-sex marriage and straight marriage; what’s the difference?
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