Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Forgiving bin Laden
By: William Briner
You remember 9/11?  Two planes crashed into the Twin Towers. One plane crashed into the Pentagon.  One plane crashed into a field in Philadelphia. Should we forgive the man behind it all?  That man is dead now.  His name was bin Laden.   Should we forgive this extreme Muslim terrorist or should we let him rot in his watery grave?
           I personally believe we should let him rot in his watery grave.  On 9/11 which is my birthday, bin Laden executed millions of people.  He was not physically involved, but mentally and psychotically.  His comrades the other extreme Muslim terrorists hijacked the planes.  Two planes destroyed the Twin towers.  One plane destroyed a section of the Pentagon.   
         Bin Laden may have been a mastermind and a master speaker but nothing could erase terrorism from his heart, mind, and soul.  We should just leave him be in his watery grave.

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